Re: [Vala] Vala for everyone


Hi all,  
I'm not a GNOME developer but I'm interrested in Vala because for me it would  
be a perfect C frontend. C is virtually platform independent because C  
compilers exist for nearly every processor / controller.  
So my question is:  
Why is Vala that hardly bound to the Gnome world and the gcc compiler?
I'd say that currently only Gobject profile is mature, and if you want
to take this, you're limited to environments which are supported by
glib. I'd say that all unix-like systems (including embedded linux,
very popular ie. on the TVs, set top boxes, and such), maybe
android, and windows. But if you're targetting BREW or Symbian, it
would be probably not working - Symbian AFAIK disallows global static
data in shared libraries, BREW is sooooooo propertiary that I suppose
that no-one have ever though of porting glib there...

best regards,

Why simply transform Vala code to C and let the platform dependent C compiler  
do all the machine code things?  
I would like to use Vala with embedded devices, not using any linux OS or such.  
Would that be possible, maybe with a reduced library set?  
Thanks in advance  

vala-list mailing list
vala-list gnome org

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