Re: [Vala] Vala vs Mono performance benchmark project

I've made a patch against vala git for getting this directly with valac
(but only when it's possible), please test it
and let me know how it works for you ;)

Hi Marco,

I appreciate your patch - it is really good and I can't wait for it
included in mainline Vala :) I've at last tested it. It gives
significant speedup, on my computer it's like 1.025 to 0.86.

As I can see in the patch description, there are significant
limitations. If the class comes from external vapi, old style (calling
signal by name) will be used. Maybe some attributes can be used to
control this? So for example:

- each signal ID is in the object's Type structure, and has some name,
  unless some attribute is used,
- CCode has_signal_id=false can be set in vapis on bindings to external
  libraries to indicate, that the particular signal's ID is not stored
  in the Type,
- maybe some CCode signal_id_name="foo" can be used to control how is
  the ID named in the Type struct?
- maybe even something like CCode
  signal_id_path="Namespace.[int|Class.static_member]" to be able to
  store signal ID anywhere you like?

Maybe there are also other things to consider? My contribution to Vala
is only in testing existing features; I reported a few bugs, but I
never dug in Vala compiler's code or in gobject, so I'm just giving
some random ideas now.

best regards, and thanks for this patch once more :)

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