Re: [Vala] dova and glib


Thank you all for the answers. Creating Dova binding for the GObject library
is fine, but I would like to narrow my original question.

We're planing to create some set of a libraries using Vala and I think that
it would be great if we can compile from one source code two libraries for
the glib and dova profiles.
It's a big waste of time to write code twice for the glib and then again for
the dova.
For the example take a libgee. Isn't good if we could compile it for dova
profile? I suppose there is no very deep dependency from glib.

I'd advice that the core of your system is not dependant on Dova nor
Glib. If you want to use some functionality of the glib or dova
libraries, you just create a wrapper class with two implementations, so
for example:

// common base of glib and dova backend to make sure that they will
// always have the same interface
class AbstractList_PortableImplementation
        ... [some stuff - abstract methods, properties]

class List_PortableImplementation : AbstractList_PortableImplementation
        protected GLib.List l;
        ... [other stuff]

class List_PortableImplementation : AbstractList_PortableImplementation
        protected Dova.List l;
        ... [other stuff]

If the core part is big, the gain will be really big. On the other
hand, if you want to write portable code, all the core part must be
using only features of Vala that are a common part of Glib and Dova
features, so no public fields, no signals, etc.

best regards,

If we have some level of abstraction at source code level, may be just a
macros support, we could create such libraries.

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