Re: [Vala] OFF - choose a database.

I think you can use libgda. You can open connections to two databases
(local and network if you want) at the same time, then you can choose
if you save information at the same to two tables located in different
places. It has good Vala support, autogenerated from source code and
adding new features using Vala too!

2011/12/27 Kris Thomsen <lakristho gmail com>:
I dont have experience in use databases in Vala, but I really like to use
PostgreSQL and SQLite from other languages. They work nice and are quite
easy to use.

As replacement for MySQL is MariaDB (read about it on their webpage).

// Kris

2011/12/27 Reid Thompson <reid thompson ateb com>

On 12/27/2011 10:50 AM, Brian Duffy wrote:

Does it require much concurrent db access while accessing over the
I like sqlite for local db storage. It could be a good choice on the
as well if you are not planning on servicing multiple concurrent
connections. Probably, I would use sqlite locally and mysql or postgresql
on the server.

 +1 postgresql

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