Re: [Vala] Vala logo proposals

I get an error when I try to open the Ubuntu One-page :-) Would really love
to see the proposal.

// Kris

2011/8/17 Tobias Bernard <bertob93 gmail com>


Thank you all for your feedback!

@ Luca:
I wouldn't use the tango palette, first of all because I personally don't
like it really much ;) and second becuase it doesn't fit really well with
the values the whole brand identity aims to communicate (freedom,
simplicity etc). I don't see why blue should be old school in general, and
as explained in the pdf, I think it fits really well with the ideas behind
However, if it is decided to go for tango colors, in some way that could
work as well, I guess :)

@ Rastersoft
Looks interesting, I'll try something like that. The problem is probably to
keep the V readable. We'll see..

@ Rob
Of course, once a logo has been chosen, there will be many different
versions for different sizes and purposes, among those very likely also a
horizontal one, but it's way too early to think about such details. I
the symbols above the text for all proposals because it worked well with
sheet format, but this does in no way mean the final logo is going to
this way.

@ Joseph
That (or a similar) slogan could be used also as a logo subtitle. like it

As explained in the pdf I think a subtitle for the logo would be nice. So
anyone has an idea how the essence of Vala could be expressed in short
words, please make suggestions! (example: "Ruby - a programmer's best

Here's what we currently have:
- Vala - a simple yet powerful programming language
- Vala - gives you vings (or maybe "spread your wings", so it'd be less
similar to the redbull slogan^^)

I recommend everyone to also read the initial part of the document, so you
can understand better where the logos come from and why I did things the
I did.
Of course, suggestions of any kind are highly appreaciated ;)

kind regards

2011/8/15 Tobias Bernard <bertob93 gmail com>


Some time ago I checked out the Vala Wikipedia page after reading about
on and discovered that there was no logo. After
it, I got to the mailing list, where I read that you are currently
a logo < gnome org/msg07487.html>
I thought I might be able to help.

So I made a rough draft for a Vala brand identity which can be downloaded
here <>.
I'd love to hear feedback, criticism or anything else ;)

kind regards
tobias bernard

ps. If you want to check my design skills, take a look at my website<>.
I'm using Inkscape/GIMP on Ubuntu 11.04.

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