Re: [Vala] Genie xmlrpc-c bindings test

Thanks for taking a look Evan

> If that is the case, then adding
> [CCode (ref_function_void = true)]
> to the class should do the trick/

I see a lot of these sorts of lines in the XML-RPC-C bindings of pancake's and since there is no class in my genie code, I guess you mean this code should go in here somewhere? Or do you mean inside the xml-rpc-c code and recompile the library?

I fear I am too wet behind the ears to figure out what to do with that line. I've pasted pancake's xmlrpc.vapi file below - maybe the line

[CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_value_", cname = "xmlrpc_value", ref_function="xmlrpc_INCREF", unref_function="xmlrpc_DECREF", free_function="")]

has something to do with it?

using GLib;

[CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_", cheader_filename="xmlrpc-c/base.h,xmlrpc-c/client.h")]

namespace XmlRpc {
[CCode (cname="xmlrpc_client", free_function="xmlrpc_client_destroy", cprefix="xmlrpc_client_")]
        public class Client {
                public int version_major;
                public int version_minor;
                public int version_point;
                public static void init(int flags, string appname, string appversion);

public static void create (Env env, int flags, string appname, string appversion, Value? parms, int nparms, out Client cli);

                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
public void call2(Env e, ServerInfo si, string method_name, Value param, out Value result); public static Value call_server(Env e, ServerInfo si, string method_name, string format, ...); public static Value call_server_params(Env e, ServerInfo si, string method_name, Value values);
                //TODO: static void init2()
//static Value call(Env env, string url, string method_name, string format, ...);
                public void setup_global_const(Env e);
                public static void teardown_global_const();

        public enum Flags {
                NO_FLAGS = 0,
                SKIP_LIBWWW_INIT = 1

        [CCode (cname ="xmlrpc_server_info", cprefix="xmlrpc_server_info_")]
        public class ServerInfo {
                public ServerInfo(Env env, string server_url);
                public ServerInfo copy(Env e);
                public void free();
                /* auth */
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void set_basic_auth(Env e, string user, string pass);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void set_user(Env e, string user, string pass);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void allow_auth_basic(Env e);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void disallow_auth_basic(Env e);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void allow_auth_digest(Env e);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void disallow_auth_digest(Env e);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void allow_auth_negotiate(Env e);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void disallow_auth_negotiate(Env e);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void allow_auth_ntlm(Env e);
                [CCode (instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void disallow_auth_ntlm(Env e);

[CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_value_", cname = "xmlrpc_value", ref_function="xmlrpc_INCREF", unref_function="xmlrpc_DECREF", free_function="")]
        public class Value {
                public Type type();

        [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_type", cprefix="XMLRPC_TYPE_")]
        public enum Type {

[CCode (cname ="xmlrpc_env", cprefix="xmlrpc_env_", free_function="", destroy_function="xmlrpc_env_clean")]
        public struct Env {
                public string fault_string;
                public int fault_code;
                public bool fault_occurred;

                public Env();

                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_parse_response")]
                public Value parse_response(string xmldata, int xmldata_len);

                /* create */
                public Value struct_new();
                public Value array_new();
                public Value bool_new(bool v);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_string_new")]
                public Value string_new(string str);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_int_new")]
                public Value int_new(int num);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_double_new")]
                public Value double_new(double v);

                /* read */
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_read_bool")]
                public void read_bool(Value v, out bool num);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_read_string")]
                public void read_string(Value v, out unowned string str);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_read_int")]
                public void read_int(Value v, out int num);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_read_double")]
                public void read_double(Value v, out double num);

                /* struct */
                // TODO: move into StructValue
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_struct_size")]
                public int struct_size(Value stru);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_struct_has_key")]
                public bool struct_has_key(Value stru, string key);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public bool struct_has_key_n(Value stru, string key, int key_len);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public void struct_has_find_value(Value stru, string key, out Value v);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public void struct_has_find_value_v(Value stru, string key, out Value v);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public void struct_read_value(Value stru, string key, out Value v);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public void struct_read_value_v(Value stru, Value key, out Value v);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public Value struct_get_value(Value stru, string key);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public Value struct_get_value_n(Value stru, string key, int key_len);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public void struct_set_value(Value stru, string key, Value v);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
public void struct_set_value_n(Value stru, string key, int key_len, Value v);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
                public void struct_set_value_v(Value stru, Value keyval, Value v);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
public void struct_read_member(Value stru, int idx, out Value key, out Value v);
                [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
public void struct_get_key_and_value(Value stru, int idx, out Value key, out Value v);

        // experimental //
        [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_value")]
        class Struct : Value {
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_struct_new", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public Struct (Env env);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_struct_size", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public int size(Env env);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_struct_set_value", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void set_value(Env env, string key, Value v);

        [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_value")]
        public class String : Value {
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_string_new")]
                public String(string str);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_read_string", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void read(Env env, out string value);

        [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_value")]
        public class Integer : Value {
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_int_new")]
                public Integer(int num);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_read_int", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public void read(Env env, out int value);

        [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_value")]
        public class Array : Value {
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_array_new", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public Array (Env env);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_array_size", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public int size(Env env);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_array_get_item", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public Value get_item(Env env, int idx);
                [CCode (cname="xmlrpc_array_append_item", instance_pos=1.1)]
                public int append_item(Env env, Value b);

On 14/09/10 11:32, Evan Nemerson wrote:
On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 19:53 +0100, Abderrahim Kitouni wrote:
  <في ن، 13-09-2010 عند 22:07 +1200 ، كتب Phil Daintree:
Trouble again guys...

I have attempted to convert pancake's xmlrpc-c test client that I
modified to use a call to the webERP PHP demo server's XML-RPC api. It
is using pancake's xml-rpc-c bindings

The code fails with:

# valac --pkg=xmlrpc --Xcc=-lxmlrpc_client
In function '_xmlrpc_INCREF0':
/initrd/mnt/dev_save/my-documents/genie_programs/xmlrpc-c_test.vala.c:90: error:
void value not ignored as it ought to be
error: cc exited with status 256
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Off the top of my head : xmlrpc_INCREF doesn't return anything, but
valac expects it to return the instance (like g_object_ref). I don't
know if there is a workaround for this, someone more familiar with the
internals of valac may be able to help.

If that is the case, then adding

[CCode (ref_function_void = true)]

to the class should do the trick/


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