Re: [Vala] Define constant at compile time

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:28:23 -0800, Anatol Pomozov wrote:
But what if you want to change the real constant value at the
compile-time? A classical example is DEBUG vs OPTIMIZED mode. During
development I want to log of information to stdout, like this:

if (DEBUG) {
  stdout.printf("User ID is: $user");

and I don't want to have this code in the release version. To make it
happen one can use something like

bool DEBUG=false;

and compile the vala program with -DDEBUG (or its equivalent
-DDEBUG=true). This compiler flag changes the default value of the

Type-safety means that vala compile knows that DEBUG is boolean and
complains if someone tries to use number/string here (-DDEBUG=foo) or
tries to set value for unexisting constant.

You know, vala DOES support THAT. Simply

    #if DEBUG
    stdout.printf("USer ID is: $user");

and than:

    valac -DDEBUG ...

It is a flag -- either it's there or not.

                                                 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb ucw cz>

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