[Vala] plans to speed up compilation

I work at Yorba where we develop Shotwell, a photo manager currently consisting of 45,000 lines of Vala code. Each time I build on my machine (an 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad) 'valac --ccode' takes 10 seconds to run, even if I've changed just 1 line of Vala source. (I'm talking *only* about the time it takes to generate C code; we then invoke gcc on the generated C code in a separate step.) 10 seconds isn't so tragic, but, still, it would be nice for this to be faster. So I wonder if the Vala team is considering changes to improve compilation speed for large programs. I can see two basic approaches:

1) Modify valac to be multithreaded. As valac runs on my quad-core machine, 3 of the 4 cores sit idle. If valac could use all 4 cores and reduce my compile time from 10 seconds to 2.5 seconds I'd be very happy.

2) Hava valac write out some sort of intermediate data which can be reused on subsequent compilations if source files haven't changed at all. (Java works like this, sort of: when I build a Java program, javac can read metadata from .class files generated in previous compilations, I believe.)

Is the Vala team considering either of these approaches?


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