[Vala] Unit Testing and Code Coverage

Hello :) ,

i'm programming a symbolic calculus application with Vala and I want to
write Tests for it, i'm using MonoDevelop as the main IDE, and in the
workspace i have two projects, the library of the symbolic calculus, and the
tests set.

My question is: ¿there's a way to sistematize the unit testing in Vala?
and.. ¿exists tools to see the code coverage of the tests? I think that's
important specially in this case because i need that the library be
consistent and fail proof.

There's another question, about some problems i'm having with the tests
compiling :( ..

I've added the symbolic lib to the set of packages of the tests project, and
when i try to compile it, the ide says me that there a file that it can't
find (Something like /home/castarco/libsymbolic.vapi) , but i don't
understant why is searching in my home directory when the project is inside


:( m anyone knows how i can avoid this problem?

Thanks in advance

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