Re: [Vala] vala autocomplete with monodevelop

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Nigel Griffin <ngriffin vuze com> wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to enable autocomplete with
monodevelop-vala.  If my random google searches are to be believed, it seems
as though this can be accomplished somehow withe a afrodite library in vtg,
but I can't find instruction how.

Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.

IIRC MonoDevelop auto-complets using CTags, which should "just work" most of
the time with C / Vala stuff.
Try the following:

int abcdefghijkl = 0;

abc  (now hit Ctrl + Space) while the cursor is beside the "c". It should

I will advise Val(a)Ide, its an IDE written especially for Vala, in Vala.
:-) IMO its quite similar to MonoDev, exept
that it works better with Vala, doesnt rely on huge "virtual machines" or
any of that.
It has integrated support for the Waf build system, allowing others to just
compile without having to have ValaIde
installed. This is an essential feature, that is missing from MonoDevelop.


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