[Vala] clutter-gst and gst

Hi, I'm having some problems with gst.  I've got this test code that I adapted from the vala gst examples.  I 
changed it so that the src element is a filesrc and I added a decodedbin and ffmpegcolorspace element.  I 
have tested this pipeline on the command line and it seems to work fine but my vala code doesn't work.  It 
compiles clean and I get no runtime errors or warnings, I just don't get any video.
http://gist.github.com/47997517:21I get zero compile or runtime messages but I just don't get any video 
output.17:22The stdout.printf inside my callback from pad_added is never getting called so I think the 
pipeline is never getting hooked up between the decoder and the colorspace conversion element.17:23the 
new-decoded-pad signal in the decodebin element I guess I should now hook up to using pad_added? This 
compiles but I'm still not sure.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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