Re: [Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.9.3 - Compiler for the GObject type system

                              في خ، 15-07-2010 عند 10:01 +0200 ، كتب JM:
Congratulations for this release! 
Can you explain the new GBoxed-based memory management in vala? 
I know GBoxed is a generic wrapper for C structures, that only needs
copy and free functions.
AFAICT (correct me if I'm wrong), it allows compact classes to be copied
automatically. Compact classes were not copied unless they are
[Immutable] (e.g. string) or a copy method is explicitly called.
 And I know that in vala a type get's boxed when
you use the '?' operator, like in 'string? s = null;'. 
This is only true for value types (e.g. structs and simple types), for
classes the ? operator only means it can be null.


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