Re: [Vala] Calling Vala functions from JavaScript

On 07/07/10 08:01, CaStarCo wrote:
I' curious ¿what's your project? :)

Kind regards

2010/7/7 Andrew <rugby471 gmail com <mailto:rugby471 gmail com>>

    On 06/07/10 22:45, Frederik wrote:
    > Hi Andrew,
    > you were the person on IRC asking how to call Vala functions from
    > JavaScript, right?
    > I have attached some files (demo.vala, jscore.vapi and demo.html) that
    > demonstrate how to achieve this. You probably want to port the .vala
    > file to Genie.
    > If you put the jscore.vapi file in your working directory you can
    compile with
    > $ valac demo.vala --pkg webkit-1.0 --pkg jscore --vapidir .
    > (You can ignore the compiler warnings, I have not yet found a way
    to suppress them)
    > Best regards,
    > Frederik

    You are amazing!! Thankyou so much, this will (hopefully) allow me to
    continue my project. Thankyou!

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- Per la llibertat del coneixement -
- Per la llibertat de la ment...       -

My project is

The other guy who was asking about graphics toolkits also has a project
but I don't know what that is


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