Re: [Vala] How to pass items of an array as out parameters?

Jürg confirms this is a bug.
So I entered a new one in bugzilla:

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:17 AM, Sandino Flores Moreno <tigrux gmail com> wrote:
In my program, I need to initialize variables that are items of an array.
It's a situation that can be roughly simplified to this:


void modify(out int n) {
       n = 5;

void main() {
       int[] a = new int[3];
       for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
               modify(out a[i]);


However, I get this error:

$ valac test.vala
test.vala:8.10-8.17: error: ref and out method arguments can only be
used with fields, parameters, and local variables
               modify(out a[i]);

More specifically, I had this code that is valid in C:

   OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *inBufferAudioDec[2];
   for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
       err = OMX_AllocateBuffer(audiodechandle, &inBufferAudioDec[i],
0, NULL, buffer_in_size);
       if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)

That is translated to Vala as shown:

   Omx.BufferHeader[] inBufferAudioDec = new Omx.BufferHeader[2];
   for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
       err = audiodechandle.allocate_buffer(out inBufferAudioDec[i],
0, null, buffer_in_size);
       if (err != Omx.Error.None)

But, Vala fails with the error specified in the canonical example.

So, how should I pass items of an array as out parameters of a method
or function?

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