Re: [Vala] Problems using ComboBox with model


2010/2/9 Lars-Erik Helander <lehswe gmail com>:
Do anyone have a working example of using a ComboBox with model (not
the simple text API)?

Kind Regards


This piece of code should make things easier to understand:

---- CODE ----
using Gtk;

public class SampleApp : Window
    public SampleApp()
        ListStore    model;
        ComboBox     combo;
        CellRenderer cell;
        int          i;

        this.title = "ComboBox sample application";
        this.destroy.connect( Gtk.main_quit );

        model = new ListStore( 2, typeof( string ), typeof( int ) );
        for( i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10 )
            TreeIter iter;

            model.append( out iter );
            model.set( iter, 0, "Dummy text", 1, i );

        combo = new ComboBox.with_model( model );
        this.add( combo );;

        cell = new CellRendererText();
        combo.pack_start( cell, false );
        combo.set_attributes( cell, "text", 0 );

        cell = new CellRendererProgress();
        combo.pack_start( cell, true );
        combo.set_attributes( cell, "value", 1 );

    public static int main( string[] args )
        SampleApp app;

        Gtk.init( ref args );

        app = new SampleApp();;


        return( 0 );
---- CODE ----


Tadej Borovšak
tadeboro gmail com
tadej borovsak gmail com

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