Re: [Vala] Dbus, connecting a signal to an async method...

        في ن، 06-12-2010 عند 13:50 +0100 ، كتب Marco Trevisan (Treviño):
Yes, this is right indeed. The signature is not the same, so why don't
allow to define async signals?
How do you define an async signal?

You can also try to pass the begin method directly (but I'm not sure it

No, I tried that, but it didn't work, I got an error since the begin
return value was considered just like a void.

Hm, the begin function returns a void, but that's what the signal expects
anyway, so it seems like that one should work. That would be a bug than.

It doesn't work to me:

marco tricky:/tmp$ valac --pkg dbus-glib-1 --pkg gio-2.0
warning: D-Bus GLib is deprecated, use GDBus
dbus-connect-async.vala:38.15-38.39: error: invocation of void method
not allowed as expression
              if (name in sender.list_names.begin())
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)

Is this a bug?
No, this is expected behavior : the begin method just starts the async
method, and does not wait for the return value and thus returns void.
But I don't understand how is this related to the topic (connecting an
async method to a signal).

What I was suggesting is that you should be able to pass the begin
method as a signal handler (assuming your signal doesn't expect the
handler to return a value), so when the signal is emitted, your method
gets started. In your example, this would be :
session_proxy.name_acquired.connect (this.name_acquired.begin);


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