[Vala] 2D Static Array

I'm trying to convert my 2D matrix utility functions to use vala.

In C I have a struct containing a 2D static array rappresenting the matrix:

typedef struct _Matrix Matrix;
struct _Matrix
   float mat[4][4];

Converting in vala, it becomes:

public class Matrix
    public float mat[4,4];

But compiler doesn't support multi dimensional embedded array!!

If I write in the following way it embeds correctly the mono dimensional

public class Matrix
    public float mat[16];

But it is not what I whant.

Eventually I can add inline getteres and setters:

public class Matrix
    public float mat[16];

    public inline float get(int row, int col)
        return mat[row*4 + col];

    public inline void set(int row, int col, float val)
        mat[row*4 + col] = val;

But compiling with vala -C, I see that inline doesn't do nothing!!

Thik about  matrix calculation in a 3D application:
if to read or update a value in a matrix I have to call functions,
calculations slow down to much!!

What can I do?

P.S. sorry for my bad english...


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