[Vala] Houston we have a problem(gtk.builder signals not functioning)

Hey guys, gals,and others,

My first post here, please let me know if there is something wrong with how
this email appears, don't want to be guilty of top-posting or such, so kind
words of advice appreciated.

I have been a lurker here for a while and noticed a number of other posts
drawing attention to difficulties getting signals from glade-3(.ui xml
files) to work with handlers defined in ones source code.

This problem is now official. Signals are not getting properly connected. I
use the word official because I have tried this on multiple different
machines, real and vms, with different versions of vala and glade-3
(including git current vala and glade-3). And in no combination does
build.connect_signals actually result in a working program- in most cases
error message just reports 'cannot find blah-blah-on-button-clicked signal',
but in other case there is just an abrupt segmentaion fault. I have no idea
where the problem actually is located(whether in vala, or in the ui
generation from glade-3, or gtk+ itself or wherever else). Now I may be
doing this entirely wrong, I may be making some simple mistake-but I get the
sneaky suspicion that a) I am not alone in these problems b) that regardless
of whatever errors I may be guilty of something in vala+gtk+glade-3 is not
right. So please kindly point out my mistake if any-my goal in complaining
to to shed some light-if it my bad, so be it, let's just get The Proper
Way(tm) out and spread the word and if not I am more than willing to devote
several hours to trying to chase this potential bug down, find him, and
deliver him for execution by coders more capable than me.

I have been forced to manually override each signal definition when trying
to work with glade ui files. So I use builder.get_object to assign the ui
widget from the ui file to some local variable(var) and just write my own
signal handler to get it to work. The net effect of which is that using
glade to create the ui is basically crippled because I end up having
override anything I define in glade-3 anyway. I include the sample test from
GTk+Sample here(the attached file fail to run under : Fedora 12, Ubuntu
9.10, Gnome-Developer-Kit(conary-based distro running in VM).

And although this is a separate and totally unrelated issue, I will mention
it here:

the dbus integration in vala leaves something to be desired: namely quit
mangling the signals that dbus sends. I attempted to implement a tiny dbus
client for rhythmbox, modeled after a widely used python tutorial. Spend at
least 10 hours pulling what little hair I have left on my head out until I
realized that the next() signal, defined by rhythmbox dbus to fetch the next
song from list of songs in the current queue, was never getting called
because by the time vala got done mangling the singal the only thing which
came out was "Next"-lol, for what ever reasons dbus via vala means you
cannot access signals tha do not follow CamelCaseConventions. I "solved"
this problem by editing the rhythmbox rb-shell-player.xml and changing
"next" to "Next" and recompiling.

So there, that's my way of saying hello to this mailing list, the awesome
vala developers and hackers, who aside from causing me some lost hair have
actually rekindled my interest in programming for the first time in over 20
years. And despite the problems I mentioned above  I have written about 2000
lines of code in the past 10 days that actually work ;)

Karl Zollner

ps. If some solutions can be offered to the problems I would love to dish
out a series of extremely verbose and well-worded tutorials showing step for
step how to do lots of different things in vala(I already rewrote half of
the genie examples from valaide in vala). I am positively in LOVE with vala
right now and wish to be able to contribute to it at some point in the not
too distant future.

Attachment: text-file-viewer.vala
Description: Binary data

Attachment: text-file-viewer.ui
Description: application/designer

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