Re: [Vala] Vala dealing with const paramaters

On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 17:43 +0100, Jürg Billeter wrote:
valac will use const for this parameter if the struct is annotated as
[Immutable] in the bindings. If `const ClutterActorBox *` is used for
all (or most) input parameters in the C API, we should add the
[Immutable] attribute to the clutter bindings to get rid of the
warnings. Can you check/verify whether `const` is used consistently in
the case of ClutterActorBox input parameters?


Hi, sorry for late reply, busy week =\

Adding [Immutable] seems to work for ClutterActorBox and ClutterColor
(both need const in every function I have seen but have not checked
every last one), Which stops those errors

there is still an issue with the ClutterContainer interface, its foreach
methods require 

  void (* foreach)          (ClutterContainer *container,
                             ClutterCallback   callback,
                             gpointer          user_data);

and the vapi file provides;
        public abstract void @foreach (Clutter.Callback callback);
which creates functions like:
static void 
foo_bar_real_foreach (ClutterContainer* base, ClutterCallback callback);

again causing warning messages in Gcc as it doesn't have the additional
user_data paramater, adding void* to Clutter Container  foreach and
foreach_with_internals seems to fix this, attached is a diff of my

Gordon Allott <gord allott canonical com>

Attachment: clutter-1.0-container.patch
Description: Text Data

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