Re: [Vala] [Genie] Clutter sample problem

Ok i found the solution, if someone interested :



class ClutterDemo

   animations : array of Animation
   stage : Stage
   rectangles : array of Rectangle
const colors : array of string = { "blanched almond", "OldLace", "MistyRose", "White", "LavenderBlush", "CornflowerBlue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "light coral", "medium violet red", "LemonChiffon2", "RosyBrown3" }

   construct ()
       stage = Stage.get_default ()
       rectangles = new array of Rectangle[colors.length]
       stage.hide.connect (Clutter.main_quit)
       create_rectangles ()
       stage.color = Clutter.Color () { alpha = 255 }
       stage.show_all ()

   def private create_rectangles ()
       i : int = 0
       while i < colors.length
           var r = new Rectangle
           r.width = r.height = stage.height / colors.length
           r.color = Color.from_string (colors[i])
           r.anchor_gravity = Gravity.CENTER
           r.y = i * r.height + r.height / 2
           stage.add_actor (r)
           rectangles[i] = r

   def start ()
       animations = new array of Animation[rectangles.length]
       i : int = 0
       while i < rectangles.length
animations[i] = rectangles[i].animate (AnimationMode.LINEAR, 5000, "x", stage.width / 2, "rotation-angle-z", 500.0)
           animations[i].timeline.start ()

animations[animations.length - 1].timeline.completed.connect(animate_with_text)

   def animate_with_text ()
       j : int = 0
var mytext = new Text.full ("Bitstream Vera Sans 25", "Clutter say hello to Genie !", Color.from_string ("white"))
       mytext.set_anchor_point_from_gravity (Gravity.CENTER)
       mytext.x = stage.width / 2
       mytext.y = -mytext.height
       stage.add_actor (mytext) ()
var text_anim = mytext.animate (AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_BOUNCE, 3000, "y", stage.height / 2)
       text_anim.timeline.start ()

       while j < rectangles.length
animations[j] = rectangles[j].animate (AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_BOUNCE, 3000, "x", Random.next_double () * stage.width, "y", Random.next_double () * stage.height / 2 + stage.height / 2, "rotation-angle-z", rectangles[j].rotation_angle_z, "opacity", 0.0)
           animations[j].timeline.start ()

   Clutter.init (ref args)
   var demo = new ClutterDemo ()
   demo.start ()
   Clutter.main ()


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