Re: [Vala] Added kill and pid_t to posix.vapi

Where's the SIGXXX enum? and signal()? They are 20loc patch and are effortless to do,I don't see the point of pushing single function bindings to the posix bindings.

About Glib.Pid and pid_t ..I would defend pid_t because is something that depends on libc,not the end this is an "int",but should theorically change between systems.But that's something I have never seen (bsd,Linux,osx and w32) uses 32bit signed vartypes to identify a process,but it's like unixtime,it can change in the future to 64bits,so I don't know if syncs it's type depending on libc or what.

To avoid type sync problems I would prefer to just use the types already defined on the target API unless we can be sure that may not affect portability.

On Mar 4, 2009, at 12:18 AM, Hans Baier <hansfbaier googlemail com> wrote:

Now it doesnt depend on GLib anymore
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