Re: [Vala] enum typing

Now, in the Vapi, I could do this to type args: (HType being the enum in
this case)

  public int HandleFree (
        void*              handlp,
        HType              type

so, I'm not sure what the difference really is?

looks like you triggered a bug in valac about defualt property values of
non-native types.

I wondered if I hadn't.. I'll file a bug report

Also, I was curious about separating api's into multiple vapi.. For
instance, the oracle one is huge, if I ever get to the point that the
entire thing is impletement (unlikely) but, to make it easy for myself,
I created oci_enums.vapi, oci_structs.vapi and oci.vapi for everthing
that doesn't fit in structs and enums.. Then I used oci.deps to pull in
structs and enums.. is that a good idea, or should the final product be
a single concatenated view of the three?

did you consider the possibility splitting the API into files by

I hadn't considered that actually.. but, the more I thought about it,
it's only used during the compile, so I'm not sure it matters one way or
the other.. but, if I were to install the oci.vapi file into the system
vapi directory, I'm guessing one file would be preferred and that can be
easilly handled through the makefiles.

Thanks Yu!


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