Re: [Vala] Libgee's Roadmap proposal

Jiří Zárevúcky <zarevucky jiri    > writes:

Dne 21. červenec 2009 17:06 Jiří Zárevúcky <zarevucky.jiri <at>>
2009/7/21 Julien Fontanet <julien.fontanet <at>>:
How is that possible, the methods' signatures do not match:
 - Collection.add (G item) vs. Map.set (K key, V value)
 - Collection.contains (G item) vs. Map.contains (K key)
 - Collection.remove (K item) vs. Map.remove (K key)

Collection implements Iterable which provides this method: Iterator<G>
iterator () whereas it should be Iterator<Pair<K, V>> iterator () for 

The trick is that Map<K, V> would implement interface
Collection<Pair<K, V>>. Unless there is some serious bug in Vala, it
would work perfectly. The .NET framework does it this way and it
always worked perfectly for me.

Ah, I misunderstood your point. You mean that there already are
methods with different signatures then required by the interface.

Well, in that case, it's also simple. The colliding methods have to be
implemented explicitly. nobody would use contains and remove with Pair
on map anyway. I just don't know how is it with support for explicit
interface member implementations in Vala.

Considering how interfaces are implemented in Glib, it should be 
implementable.  To overload an interface method, a pointer in the class
object is set to a pointer to the implementing function. So for explicit
interface implementation, the generator would create a function with
different name (<class>_<method>_<interface> instead of <class>_<method>
probably) and assign it to the appropriate member.  Than it would have to
notice it when generating the new method of the same name (which has cname
<class>_<method>, so it does not conflict) and skip setting that pointer.

From quickly glancing at the generator code it does not look like being 
implemented (it was a very very quick glance, though), but it should be
doable. Care just has to be taken to avoid the named constructors feature,
which uses similar syntax.


 - Jan Hudec <bulb ucw cz>

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