Re: [Vala] Libgee's Roadmap proposal

Re Tomaž,

Quikee wrote:
Anyway I have partially done this. Now I have added to collection
interface methods:
- is_empty()

Do we make this a property or a method ?

- add_all(Collection<G> collection)
- contains_all(Collection<G> collection)
- remove_all(Collection<G> collection)
- retain_all(Collection<G> collection)

That fits me.

on list interface:
- first()
- last()

OK for that too.

on map interface:
- is_empty()

Same comment as for Collection.is_empty() - property or method ?

- set_all(Map<K,V> map)

Do we provide also remove_all and contains_all ?

One observation is that implementation of most of the methods could be
generic for all,  which means that they could be implemented on the
interface itself but maybe it would be better to introduce a common
abstract superclass just to keep interfaces clean.

Yes we have to provide some AbstractCollection and AbstractMap base

Could you provide some patches for all the above ?

All the best, Didier.

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