Re: [Vala] Libgee's Roadmap proposal

On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 14:25:25 +0200, 
"Didier \"Ptitjes\"" <ptitjes free fr> wrote:

- Is a singly linked list of interest ?

What would the Queue be based on?  A singly-linked list that tracks
both ends, can efficiently implement both FIFO and LIFO queues.

I do hope the Set/Map issue can be abstracted out with a Pair<K,V>
deal.  Otherwise there's a multiplicative effect between the number of
ways to key data (currently with and without; set and map), and the
number of ways those elements can be arranged.  Why can't we have a
WeakTreeMap, or a WeakArrayMap, or a WeakLinkedMap?  Better to have a
Linked<WeakMap>.  But then, what if we want a WeakMultiMap?  (Isn't
MaltiMap just a Map of another collection?  Or is it something else


Debian/unstable (LC#384816) on i686 2.6.29-2-686 2009 (up 9 days, 14:47)

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