Re: [Vala] DBus horror

Thank you,

That works. Even with the dynamic method.
Is there a time window when the fixes will emerge in a vala release? (Just
out of curiosity)

@Jürg, sorry for the double mail. Forgot to send a copy to the mailinglist


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch> wrote:

On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 12:45 +0100, Kos wrote:
You can find the test-source here:
I compile it with valac --pkg dbus-glib-1 vlc_test3.vala -g

Use the static variant but with an out parameter instead of a return
value as in the following lines:

public abstract void GetStatus (out State state) throws DBus.Error;

       // Get info
       org_freedesktop_MediaPlayer.State state;
       dbus.GetStatus (out state);

It should also work with return values, however, there was a change in
how struct return values are processed a couple months back, and it's
possible that the D-Bus code still needs a few fixes there.


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