Re: [Vala] Gtk drag and drop

Frederik wrote:
  bool on_drag_drop (Widget widget, DragContext context,
                     int x, int y, uint time) {
      // ...

Ah. I found something you wrote up on drag and drop while searching for
more information about DragContext:

I've fiddled around a bunch, trying figure out how to make it do
something in this situation, but to no avail. At least it doesn't
complain about this.drag_drop, though.

How do I receive my .txt file from that (i.e. the file path or some such)?

I decided to make my handler using this instead, though, if that's a
this.drag_drop+=(widget, context, x, y, time)=>

I'm guessing I need to do something with targets, and what-have-you, but
I'm not sure what I need for a file's context.

There's a lot of stuff on that drag drop page, and I'm not sure which is
required and which isn't. Do I need to define some of the other
handlers, or just drag_drop and maybe drag_data_received?

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