Re: [Vala] stdout flushing? and button_click_event

On Sun, 2008-11-23 at 12:02 +0100, Jürg Billeter wrote:
Hi Karl,

On Sun, 2008-11-23 at 10:46 +0000, Karl Lattimer wrote:
I have a button_press_event function in my GtkWidget which should be
called when the mouse button is pressed, however it won't output
anything via stdout.printf(...) on button press. Instead it outputs when
motion_notify_event is called, I'm wondering if there is any requirement
for a flushing of stdout to ensure that the button press text goes out
on screen immediately rather than the next time a printf is called.

There is no Vala-specific output buffering, however, stdout in C is line
buffered by default, which means that you won't see the text until you
print a newline, so stdout.printf ("...\n") might help if you're not
adding a newline to the output yet.

Forgot to mention, you can also use stdout.flush () to explicitly flush
the output buffer (fflush in C).


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