Re: [Vala] GObject Extensions

Hi Matias,

1. Gdk.Window isn't a GObject.
2. I think once the class definition is closed, you can't extend it, but
why not try something like this:

[CCode cname=GdkWindow new=gdk_window_new ....]
class DrawingArea:Gdk.Window {
   public void unset_gl_capability (); 


This is hackish and I am not sure if it is even possible.

On Thu, 2008-07-17 at 18:53 -0300, =?ISO-8859-1?Q? Mat=EDas_De_la_Puente
_ wrote:
Hi, all.

It is possible to add extension functions to some GObjects in the vapi
Here is a concrete sample.

In gtkglext-1.0 there's some functions that extend a Gdk.Window
object. I create a vapi file with this:

        [CCode (lower_case_cprefix="gdk_window_")]
        namespace GdkWindowExtension
            public static weak Gdk.GL.Window set_gl_capability
(Gdk.Window window, Gdk.GL.Config glconfig, int[] attrib_list);
            public static void unset_gl_capability (Gdk.Window
            public static bool is_gl_capable (Gdk.Window window);
            public static weak Gdk.GL.Window get_gl_window (Gdk.Window
            public static weak Gdk.GL.Drawable get_gl_drawable
(Gdk.Window window);

And a sample.vala code:
        DrawingArea drawing_area = new DrawingArea ();
        Gtk.GL.GtkWidgetExtension.set_gl_capability (drawing_area,
glconfig, null, true, Gdk.GL.RenderType.RGBA_TYPE);

There is a possibility to implement something (in the vapi file) for
use a code like this?:

        DrawingArea drawing_area = new DrawingArea ();
        drawing_area.set_gl_capability (glconfig, null, true,

Im saying this because we only add functions to a Gdk.Window object (a
GObject extension).


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