Hi, I've tried to define a enum from GLib (RegexCompileFlags) as a construction-property. The attached code fails to compile at C-level due missing definition of 'G_TYPE_REGEX_COMPILE_FLAGS'! Tested with current release and svn (rev. 1690) Should I file a bug? Hannes
using GLib; public class Main: Object { /* Don't work: All but.. Not found at all but defined in vapi: ProcessSignal, LocaleCategory Work: ParamFlags, --> 'G_TYPE_PARAM_FLAGS' defined in gobject/gparamspecs.h IOCondition --> 'G_TYPE_IO_CONDITION' defined in gobject/gsourceclosure.h */ public RegexCompileFlags cflags { get; construct; } public static int main (string[] args) { return 0; } }
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