Re: [Vala] Request: Some high level documentation about how vala works internally

Il giorno gio, 17/01/2008 alle 19.03 +0100, Jürg Billeter ha scritto:

The generated libvala documentation[1] might help a bit, although the
actual method descriptions are not available in the HTML yet. Reading


Please link this in the homepage. It's better than nothing. :)

I think you are right in saying that end-user documentation is needed
more than contributors docs.

For me it's very difficult to understand how to write simple programs,
as the syntax is quite different from every other language I used before
(I never used C#).

As the Vala source is written in Vala, I think developers too could have
a better life with basic language documentation. It would be easier to
read and understand the compiler sources then.


Alessandro Pellizzari

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