Re: [Vala] PanelApplet example

On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 01:36 +0100, Andreas Sliwka wrote:
 I'm looking for an example on how to create a PanelApplet with vala.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Andreas,

I've done some panel applets with vala, so here are my experiences.
The code it's not so clean because libpanelapplet vapi miss some
function call and for other reasons.


1) Save all attached files to some directory in your home

2) compile the applet with vala:

valac -o vala-applet vala-applet.vala --vapidir ./ --pkg gtk+-2.0 --pkg
libpanelapplet-2.0-custom --pkg libbonoboui-2.0 --Xcc="-export-dynamic
`pkg-config --cflags --libs libpanelapplet-2.0`"

Note the -export-dynamic arguments, the ` around the pkg-config command
and the " and (finally) that I've used some private vapis.

3) Adjust the path at the beginning of vala-applet.server to the folder
where you just compile the applet

4) Copy the vala-applet.server to /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/

5) execute the applet from within the folder you just
compiled: ./vala-applet

6) Then add the applet to the panel as usual: right click etc etc...
   The applet is called ValaApplet and should have a green apple pixmap

Hope this help. Bye,

I've tested all with a Debian Sid.

Attachment: libbonoboui-2.0.vapi
Description: Text document

Attachment: libpanelapplet-2.0-custom.deps
Description: Text document

Attachment: libpanelapplet-2.0-custom.vapi
Description: Text Data

Attachment: vala-applet.server
Description: Text document

Attachment: vala-applet.vala
Description: Text Data

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