[Vala] The behaviour of G.List and other containers.

First of all, I have to admit that I have a problem dealing with
automatic memory management, so this questions might sound a bit
stupid for some... sorry :)

I really like the idea of Vala, but I always get to the same problem:
I'm productive enough in C + GObject to spend time with some of the
subtleties of Vala's memory management system, that is, although I
would like to use it... after I spend a few minutes trying to wrap my
head around the memory management system I usually fall back to
writing the code in C as I am used to.

This time I decided I'd give it a longer try. So I decided to try
asking here first so I don't get driven out by my short patience :)

Well, enough babbling. The question is:

What is the correct way to deal with the assisted memory management
and Containers, such as the G.List ? I noticed that whenever I add
something to the list, it gets automatically ref()ed, but it seems I
can't get it to automatically unref() it. Is this the intended
behaviour ? Am I doing something stupid ? Or is it just that I am
supposed to rely on automatic ref()ing and then unref() by myself
(this last option I believe is a bit odd, though) ?

I didn't quite test, but I suppose the same behaviour is replicated
across the other glib containers, as they all share the same style of

I'm sorry for this long post for something so simple, but I felt like
I needed to explain why such a stupid question is being posted :)

Alexandre Moreira.

PS: I just noticed the documentation project on the page and, as soon
as I get the grip with this memory management stuff I feel I could
give you guys a bit of help there. I am programming C# at work right
now, although I'm not exactly a Pro (just filling a gap where a C#
Programmer was needed and I was known for learning languages fast
enough to finish the job). I believe this can make my learning of Vala
faster and then help me help the rest of the community.

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