Re: [Vala] Vala DBus gpointer question

On 9/18/07, eGore <eGore gmx de> wrote:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 09:23:48 +0200
Von: "eGore" <eGore gmx de>
An: vala paldo org
Betreff: [Vala] Vala DBus gpointer question

Hi list,

I'm playing around with the Vala DBus bindings and I'm quite happy with
it. I ran into one issue which I'm currently unable to resolve. I have a
method that is a signal handler. This signal handler has a variable that is of
the type "gpointer" in GLIB/C. What's the corresponding type in Vala?

Thanks and keep up the good work,
  Christoph Brill

Ok, it seems removing the "gpointer user_data" stuff might work. Now I'm running into more trouble :-)

When I use the attached bluetooth-1.vala to register signals Vala generates a line like the following:

dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (self->priv->bluez, "DiscoveryCompleted", ((GCallback) 
blue_zdiscovery_discovery_completed), self, NULL)

This is (more or less) the same as my GLIB/C code, but the argrument "self" isn't. In my Code I have to 
hand over the handle to DBusGConnection as parameter, but here the handle to the object is given. From what 
I can tell self->priv->conn should be passed, right? Or am I completely misunderstanding DBus/GLIB?

Please anyone correct me if I'm wrong, but I guess I'll try to explain :)

Vala is passing the value of "self" because you're using a method to
hook to the signal. You can simply refer to self.conn inside the
method you're hooking to the signal and it should be fine.

Alexandre Moreira.

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