Re: [Vala] Lambda expression with arguments?

On 05/09/07, Mathias Hasselmann <mathias hasselmann gmx de> wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 05.09.2007, 01:30 -0400 schrieb Michel Salim:

All the examples on the Vala site involves using lambda expressions as
signal handlers. The expressions there take no parameters and return

Getting a lambda expression to return something seems straightforward,
but how does one write a lambda expression that takes arguments? Can
the types of the parameters and return value be specified?

As the samples demonstrate arguments are passed like this:

    btn.clicked += b => {
        stdout.printf ("Click!\n");

    s.notify += (s, p) => {
        stdout.printf ("Property `%s' changed\n",; // [*]

Thanks. Got confused by the AdvancedSample, which took an s and then
never used it.


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