Re: [Vala] Vala getting included in Fedora Extras

Hi Jürg,

On 11/9/06, Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch> wrote:
Hi Michel,

> The software builds cleanly, but on x86_64 architectures, the libtool
> provided in the source would add /usr/lib64 as an rpath, since it's
> not recognized as being a standard library path. Would it be possible
> to have this fixed?

I'm using standard libtool 1.5.22, the most recent version available. Do
you know what exactly I'd have to do to get this fixed? My x86_64
systems are using /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib64, so I'm not exposed to
the problem but it should definitively not influence the distributed
version of libtool.

I don't think there's an easy solution to this, save building the
tarball on a Fedora/RHEL/SuSE system where the 64-bit libraries are in
/usr/lib64. But it's a minor problem, and the accepted Fedora solution
is just to hack (literally!) the libtool file and remove the offending


Michel Salim

Don't worry about avoiding temptation -- as you grow older, it starts
avoiding you.
               -- The Old Farmer's Almanac

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