Re: [Utopia] About gnome-device-manager

The gnome-device-manager is not OS specific, so it should have all of
reasonable functions even if some of them are still not underlying
implemented in some OS. If necessary, some interfaces need to be added
in Hal to meet the requirement.

Now I am trying that on Solaris. If I can do that, I shall let you know.


Martin Owens :
> If you figure it out let me know :-) even getting a list of modules
> that are being used for a specific device is hard enough, let alone
> loading new modules, loading new modules and excluding certain devices
> or including certain devices. I don't even think the kernel has that
> level of granularity, it's one of the reasons we have problems with
> kernel modules 'stealing' devices from other modules. they're
> effectively catch all and all udev does is load the modules it thinks
> go with certain detected devices.
> If you can fix the kernel, device managers would be able to do more
> 'management' but at the moment there arn't even command line tools to
> do what your asking.
> Best Regards, Martin Owens
> On 06/08/07, Strony Zhang <Strony Zhang sun com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I looked through the todo list about the gonme-device-manager. It looks
>> like that it still focuses on the displaying device information as the
>> previous Hal-device-manager. Is it possible to add some configuration
>> function for devices in the device-manager to make it become real device
>> manager? For example, users can do the following operation by clicking
>> mouse, logically add/remove the device, attach or detach the device
>> driver and on.
>> Besides, is there any schedule about the gonme-device-manager?
>> Regards,
>> Strony
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