Re: hal privileges [was: Re: [Utopia] gnome-mount 0.3 is out]

Maybe I just fail to see the point.. but all that HAL does in this
respect is to provide privileged operations to users that are not
usually privileged. I think we do this in a secure way (do you

Well, you know what they say about ciphers: breach is rarely in alrogithm, it's most often in the implementation. People have written unix root daemons for years and have come to a conclusion that it's not a good idea unless there is no way around. Withing limits, of course, it's all about balance, you gain something, you lose something.

Writing root code requires more discipline, more peer review, more auditing, more testing... It's like walking around with a loaded gun: sure it's safe if you are a responsible person, but guess who's most paranoid about that - that's right, folks who actually used firearms a lot.

I guess I'm asking.. why is it better to use that specific mount(2)
Solaris syscall

It's the same mount(2) system call in Linux :)

(the one that can be executed when euid!=0) than to just
invoke Mount() on HAL? Is it because the hal-system-storage-mount (the
helper for Mount() on HAL) would run with full privileges and thus
invoke mount(1) with full privileges? If so, what are the specific
problems and do you need something from HAL to fix this?

In addition to the above, users will have more choice with respect to automounters, they are not restricted to HAL. For instance, some control frea... uh, experienced users, don't like automatic mounters and prefer the standard /sbin/mount. Using mount privileges, Solaris doesn't need suid-root /sbin/mount commmand nor any special fstab options - it just works. Lowering the bar from HAL methods to the system call level makes the system simpler and more flexible at the same time.

I would like to take this opportunity and ask to keep Linux-specific assumptions to a minimum when thinking about HAL architecture. It will not only benefit other OSes, but also benefit Linux in the future, as it rapidly evolves.

I hear your point, but in this specific case I fail to see what's so
Linux specific about this.

I wasn't targetting this particular case, just slipped in a gentle reminder. Sometimes discussions revolve around specific examples, which kind of evolve into a prototype for a future solution. Things around here move pretty fast from the initial idea to implementation, which has it's pros and cons.


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