[Utopia] hal-cups-utils - utilities for linking hal and cups

Hey guys,

Since it is most unlikely that cups will integrate much of the HAL stuff
upstream in the near term, I took the liberty of autotoolizing Joe's and
my own patches into their own package called hal-cups-utils.  You can
get this at http://people.redhat.com/johnp/hal-cups-utils/.  You need to
have cups and hal development packages to compile.  Other than that it
is a simple ./configure --prefix='/usr'; make; make install.  You must
install to the same prefix that cups is installed to.

This makes it much easier to maintain as opposed to a set of patches.
What do you guys think?  I would like to get this into a CVS repository

John (J5) Palmieri
Associate Software Engineer
Desktop Group
Red Hat, Inc.
Blog: http://martianrock.com

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