[Utopia] KDE Volume Manager


	a KDE version of the gnome volume manager is being developed.
while it is not yet as mature as the gvm, it has almost all its
functionalities. It features:
- devices automounting, discs autoplaying
- it maintains a list of devices, along with the device type and url
- a system tray icon that enables the user to easily unmount removable

Besides, it would greatly benefit from the following HAL properties:
 - volume.disc.has_dvd_video : true when a disc is a video DVD
 - same as above for VCDs
 - storage.has_pictures when it contains a directory like picture(s)
image(s) or DCIM

	You can get the KDE volume manager from CVS at kdenonbeta/kvm.
There is a lot of todo's, so any contributer is welcome !


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