Re: [Utopia] is gmv only ment for mountable stuff?

On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 09:40 +0000, Kristof Vansant wrote:
> I see that hald also detects network devices.
> I was thinking it could be interresting to listen for plugin of a usb
> network device.
> When one is plugged in gnome-system-tools or some other program is
> called to configure the device and enable it. (I was thinking about
> g-s-t because it is distro independend)

I think that Dan Williams is working on NetworkManager[1] that is
intended to manage your network connections; I think it's nice to see
work like this (and like g-v-m) happening upstream so it can be fully
integrated into GNOME, cf. the user preferences and sysadmin preferences
dialogs threads on d-d-l.


[1] :

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