Re: [Utopia] is gmv only ment for mountable stuff?

I was messing around with hal# and hacked together a quick designed 
program to handle devices that require a third-party application to 
function (non-mountable, etc.).

You can see the basic idea of what I'm thinking at It could easily be changed to just 
ignore networking devices (if we have another program), mountable 
devices (g-v-m), or display a list of actions anyway to complement it 
(you have just hooked up a usb network device! Would you like to start 
Firefox? etc.)

The code's a mess now partly due to things missing from the FDI 
specification, I havent had much time to work on this, is anyone else 

Kristof Vansant wrote:

>I see that hald also detects network devices.
>I was thinking it could be interresting to listen for plugin of a usb
>network device.
>When one is plugged in gnome-system-tools or some other program is
>called to configure the device and enable it. (I was thinking about
>g-s-t because it is distro independend)
>lupusBE (Kristof Vansant Belgium)
>utopia-list mailing list
>utopia-list gnome org

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