Re: [Usability] Too much distraction-free computing

Seeing unhelpful "me too" comments in recent threads, this might become
a bikeshedding debate (yes, it's easy to have an opinion on anything),
anyway, let me provide some comments:

On Fri, 2011-05-06 at 21:33 +0300, Mantas wrote:
> But thanks to this feature, now I have lot of missed emails, IRC
> conversations, etc.

Probably covered by .
No "me too" comments in bug reports, please.

> 1. notification if there is some thing new
> I think there should be some API for all applications. If an application
> has some think new to tell, it can send request to API telling what is new.

Isn't that libnotify's task?

> Ubuntu has some thing similar, may be it is possible to standardize this
> thing?

In case you refer to libappindicator: It was proposed at and not included for various reasons listed at . It was not reproposed by its developers for inclusion in GNOME.

> 2. super fast application access
> Ok, there is top-left corner and dash, but it requires a lot of mouse
> movements and screen redrawing, to reach an app, that you want, and it
> is totally not superfast.

You can type the first letters of the app's name to filter the view.

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