Re: [Usability] Mockup Software

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 15:42, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:
 I mostly use dotted paper [1] or Inkscape [2].

- Andreas

On 05/14/2010 01:29 PM, Michael Terry wrote:
Do you all have a favorite Mockup/GUI Prototyping/Wireframe tool?  I'd
like Free, but am OK with free.

The only one I've been able to find is Pencil [1] but that just
crashes for me on startup.  I know some people use Balsamiq Mockups
[2], but it costs money.


All this mentioned, i fall back into my years-old wish:

DIY - Develop It Yourself
when can proud masters of High Level Languages devise a plan to create a framework that will enable interactive mockups?

to put it in other words:
wenn will a gesture by the user suffice to instruct the computer on what to design, and what code to attach under the hood?

i can imagine Drag n Drop environments for GUI building, that allow you to drag a function onto a button, does anyone know of this sort of thing? Can they export to html/css/_javascript_?

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