Re: [Usability] Deja Dup UI Review

On 17 May 2010, at 15:34, Diego Moya wrote:

> Use cases can help a lot both when creating and evaluating a design.
> The usability expert is supposed to know as much as possible of the
> application context while performing the heuristic evaulation.
> Wikipedia explains it better than me:
> "Often the heuristic evaluation is conducted in the context of use
> cases (typical user tasks), to provide feedback  to the developers on
> the extent to which the interface is likely to be compatible with the
> intended users’ needs and preferences."

It's all mostly-irrelevant and off-topic semantics, but I'd somewhat disagree with Wikipedia :) In usability circles, a review conducted by usability experts following certain use cases would more commonly be called an "expert review".  

A classic "heuristic review" is purely systematic, taking the design one screen at a time, and running through a checklist of design principles (such as Nielsen's famous ten[1]) for each one, largely ignoring actual usage.  

Of course, in practice, most reviews tend to end up being a mixture of both techniques anyway -- even if you're doing a strictly-heuristic review, it's hard to completely detach yourself from an intended user's perspective unless you share literally none of their domain knowledge.


[1] <>

CALUM BENSON, Interaction Designer     Oracle Corporation, Ireland
mailto:calum benson oracle com         Solaris Desktop Team             +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Oracle Corp.

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