Re: [Usability] How to make GNOME better for Netbooks?

Calum Benson wrote:

> On 10 Mar 2010, at 10:32, Valent Turkovic wrote:
>> Do you have some examples and guidelines how to customize GNOME for
>> Netbooks?
> If you want some ideas for how to customize GNOME to work on a
> netbook, it's probably easiest just to try some of the netbook-
> oriented distros out there, like the Ubuntu Netbook Remix, to see
> what they do.

Please forgive my first post here after lurking for many years being merely fanboy stuff, but I replaced my EeePC's OS with Ubuntu Netbook Remix and I've rarely been as happy with an OS replacement. While not perfect, it does a fantastic job of making optimal use of the smaller 1024x600 screen size, and performs admirably well on my netbook. Kudos to all who were involved in making that happen.

> We also need to encourage developers to write applications that will
> adapt better to running on netbooks and other non-desktop devices.
> This will certainly be one of the themes of the new GNOME Human
> Interface Guidelines, on which we're just getting started.

I've been itching to contribute to this project since I first joined this list, and while spare time is rare perhaps I can assist with tech editing the netbook section of the new HIG as it comes together.

What would be the best way for me to contribute to that?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Ambassador FourthWorld com

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