[Usability] FLOSS Usability Testing Suite - persona work and status

I've been working behind the scenes and have a rough draft of a first persona for the proposed usability testing suite project.

I wanted to pause before moving ahead with the other 3 personas to make sure this is capturing the right data, and that they'll be useful for the team involved to understand who uses the software and in what way.

I've uploaded Henri the Dabbler - take a look.


I'd love to hear feedback, more so on if this is capturing the right level of detail than if he should be married or not (as an example). I'll be putting together a summary of the data I collected so everyone can see where I grabbed the demographic information from. Until then please trust me that the demographic data is a summary of the input I received, and is not based on any particular person.

This has been a quiet project, particularly since the hackfest and Mairin's Design Hub idea. I'd like to continue to work on this project though, so send me your feedback, ideas and complaints about Henri or any of the other proposed personas.



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