Re: [Usability] Gnome usability question regarding preference dialog

Anirudh Sanjeev wrote:

I'm writing an application targeted towards gnome users. I've noticed
most of the preference windows have only a "close" button. Often, an
accidentally changed setting cannot be reverted unless you know the
older setting.

While this seems counter intuitive for me, I just wanted to know why
such a system is in place, as I'm sure there's a pretty good reason.
While this paradigm saves the trouble of clicking "apply", the danger
lurking in a preference dialog is always a little worrisome.

Thanks, and have a good day,
Hi Anirudh!
I'm not sure how a Apply-button would help you more than instant-apply in that situation.
With instant apply:
1. Click a checkbox.
2. See the change happen.
3. Figure out that "oh, wait, I don't want that".
4. Click the checkbox again to unselect the option.
5. Close the window.

Without instant apply:
1, Click a checkbox.
2. Press the apply button.
3. See the change happen.
4. Figure out that "oh, wait, I don't want that".
5. Click the checkbox again to unselect the option.
6. Press the apply button.
7. Close the window.

I suspect it would be even more tricky using a apply button, as you can change 4-5 things, and then press apply, without being certain what control did what change to your system. It would be kind of cool if ctrl+z worked in the preferences dialogs though (without any needed change to the UI).
- Andreas

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