Re: [Usability] Usability study for GNOME on netbooks?

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:23 AM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:

> Things left to do:
> - Figure out exactly what we want feedback on,

A big aspect of netbooks is how much power is affected with regards to
various bits and bobs inside of the software stack. However, I am not
sure if it does form part of a traditional usability study. The other
aspects could be towards figuring out the activities that are
performed by netbook users to assess if these activities can be
performed by a traditional GNOME desktop.

> - Figure out ways to keep costs low by involving volunteers, giving things
> other than money to those that help (publicity, making all the data public
> and accredited to the organization, ...)

The above I can help out with. I am pretty much sure that most of the
netbook folks have some footprint in India and, getting volunteers to
do an usability sprint would be a somewhat easier task.

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