Re: [Usability] measuring and improving user productivity

Productivity is one of the simplest concepts imaginable: it's a ratio of output to input. It means the same thing as efficiency. Essentially, to increase productivity is to get more value out of something while using less resources.

More work done in less time at the same quality.
The same amount of work done in the same amount of time at a better quality.
(Time doesn't necessarily have to be the resource, but it's a common one)

A solution that's productive in the short term might be, in comparison to an alternative solution, less productive in the long term (ex. QWERTYUIOP).

In continuous processes (like an assembly line), removing bottlenecks (the step in the process that takes the most amount of time) is the most effective way of increasing productivity in terms of time input.

I've thrown productivity tests into my own code before to learn how I could improve the process of using the application I wrote. In a general workplace context, that's not exactly feasible unless your looking at only the app in question and have access to the source code, etc.

Videos are not such a bad way of measuring productivity. Keep in mind, however, that the productivity concept can be applied to measuring productivity as well.

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